National Chiropractic Health Month

National Chiropractic Health Month is observed in October. The goal of this awareness day is sharing back injury prevention and strengthening tips as well as information on the value of a conservative approach to back pain treatment. National Chiropractic Health Month focuses on back health “basics," the importance of overall health and injury prevention as key strategies…

National Bullying Prevention Month

National Bullying Prevention Month, observed every October, encourages schools and organizations across the country to join STOMP Out Bullying™. More than one in five students reports being bullied at school each year. From name calling, being made fun of, threatened or physically harmed, adolescents who are picked on by bullies find that it can be…

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed in October and sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About one in eight women born today in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. Raise awareness during the month…

National ADHD Awareness Month

National ADHD Awareness Month is observed in October. ADHD Awareness Month helps raise awareness of ADHD for parents, teachers, students, adults, and professionals working with those with ADHD. With increased awareness, more people can get the help they need to live better, more rewarding lives. National ADHD Awareness Month is celebrated every October. With events and activities…

International Walk to School Month

International Walk to School Month is celebrated in October. The key themes that are promoted during IWALK include: increasing daily physical activity, improving safety, enhancing the environment, reducing levels of crime, developing community cohesion, promoting social interaction, and reducing traffic congestion, pollution and speed near schools. International Walk to School Month is an annual global event that…

Home Eye Safety Month

Home Eye Safety Month, observed in October and sponsored by Prevent Blindness, encourages people to take necessary safety measures to reduce the risk of eye injury. Home Eye Safety Month calls attention to the fact that nearly fifty percent of the annual 2.5 million eye injuries occur at home. That number is more injuries than occur…

Health Literacy Month

Health Literacy Month, observed in October and sponsored by Health Literacy Consulting, is a time for organizations and individuals to promote the importance of understandable health information. Health Literacy Month events include health care organizations, community services, health literacy coalitions, government agencies, literacy programs, universities, and many others. These events encourage how-to workshops for professionals, wellness…

Eye Injury Prevention Month

Eye Injury Prevention Month is observed in October and sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Nearly 2.5 million people suffer eye injuries each year in the United States, and nearly one million people have lost some degree of vision as a result. Most could have been prevented with protective eyewear. Eye Injury Prevention Month and the…

Dysautonomia Awareness Month

Dysautonomia Awareness Month takes places in October. Dysautonomia International began the global Dysautonomia Awareness Month campaign in 2012 and each year it has grown in the number of participants and activities around the world. Dysautonomia Awareness Month educates the public about the autonomic nervous system, and the way it affects people with dysautonomia. The autonomic nervous system…

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month, observed in October and sponsored by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, is a crucial time to educate men and women about the dangers of domestic violence. Domestic Violence Awareness Month encourages victims or loved ones of victims to contact authorities or hotlines in order to make their cases known. #metoo…

American Pharmacists Month

American Pharmacists Month takes place in October and is a celebration in support of pharmacists around the country. While the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) has celebrated the accomplishments of pharmacists for decades, the Association launched American Pharmacists Month in 2004. Since then, APhA has used October to further raise awareness among the public, patients, policy makers,…

National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month, whose roots go back to 1968, begins each year on September 15, the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico, Chile and Belize also celebrate their independence days during this period and Columbus Day (Día de la Raza) is October 12.…