Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, observed in February, is a time to increase awareness of teen dating violence and spur advocacy on behalf of those who have suffered the emotional and physical burden of teen dating violence. It is also an important time to increase education about this social problem and educate parents about what…

Raynaud’s Awareness Month (UK)

Reynaud's Awareness Month (UK), recognizing Raynaud’s Disease or Reynaud's Phenomenon, is observed in February, and a time to increase awareness about Raynaud's Disease. It is also a time to promote the need for a cure, and to spur advocacy on behalf of those suffering with Raynaud's Disease. Although it’s been over one hundred years since…

Prevent Blindness Awareness Month

Prevent Blindness Awareness Month is observed in February. AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, is a leading cause of vision loss for Americans age 50 and older. It affects central vision, where sharpest vision occurs, causing difficulty conducting daily tasks such as driving, reading, and recognizing faces. Prevent Blindness Awareness Month is a time to educate about age-related…

National Children’s Dental Health Month

National Children’s Dental Health Month, observed in February and sponsored by the American Dental Association, is a time to increase awareness of oral health, promote good oral health habits, and spur advocacy for those suffering from oral health-related problems. National Children's Dental Health Month, sponsored by the American Dental Association, highlights that, despite the fact…

National Cancer Prevention Month

National Cancer Prevention Month takes place in February. February 2 is National Cancer Prevention Day, and February 4 is World Cancer Day, an annual event promoted by the Union for International Cancer Control. National Cancer Prevention Month is aimed at uniting the world’s population in the global fight against cancer. These observations and initiatives serve to increase…

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month, observed in February and sponsored by Group B Strep International, provides information on simple steps one can take to protect a fetus or newborn from infections that cause serious health problems. International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month, sponsored by Group B Strep International, highlights that about one in four women in…

International Boost Self-Esteem Month

International Boost Self-Esteem Month is observed in February of each year. Boosting one's self-esteem is great for fighting depression and anxiety and is good for overall mental wellness. According to Oprah Winfrey, “Self-esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms and refusing to abide by the judgment of others.” International Boost…

Gum Disease Awareness Month

Gum Disease Awareness Month is observed during the month of February. Gum Disease Awareness Month in a national and global effort to raise public awareness of gum disease. The awareness program was launched in 2012 by the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry, a non-profit educational and research center dedicated to providing evidence-based clinical training in advanced laser…

Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month

Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month takes place in February and is sponsored by the American Association for Cancer Research. Gallbladder cancer and bile duct cancer are relatively rare forms of cancer. Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month educates the public that the gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ in the abdomen, below the liver. It…

Ethnic Equality Month

Ethnic Equality Month takes place during the month of February. Racial and ethnic equality, gender equity, and social inclusion are critical to democratic stability that requires participation by all stakeholders, including central and local governments, law enforcement, multilateral organizations, civil society, businesses, and academia. Ethnic Equality Month is an important time to recognize the similarities all people…

Career and Technical Education Month

Career and Technical Education Month, or CTE Month, is a public awareness campaign that takes place each February to celebrate the value of CTE and the achievements and accomplishments of CTE programs across the country. Career and Technical Education Month recognizes that CTE encompasses many different types of education, from classroom learning to certification programs to…

Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of blacks in U.S. history. Black History Month grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month…