Youth Sports Safety Month

National Youth Sports Safety Month, observed in April, is the perfect time to bring safety awareness to track meets, ball games, and playing fields at school and in our communities. National Youth Sports Safety Month sponsors offer 5 important tips for coaches, parents, and kids: Before playing organized sports, make sure young athletes receive a pre-participation…

Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Women's Eye Health and Safety Month is observed in April and designed to educate women about the steps they can take to help stop vision loss. Women's Eye Health and Safety Month educates women that those age 40 and older should make it a priority to have a dilated eye exam to help prevent vision loss. It…

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month is observed in April. Testicular Cancer Awareness Month is observed in concert with the long-recognized Testicular Cancer Awareness Week, which starts on April 1st. What is the color for testicular cancer? The Testicular Cancer Society recognizes royal blue as its official testicular cancer awareness color. There has been much debate about the…

Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month, observed in April, is a national, cooperative effort to inform people about the dangers of stress, successful coping strategies, and harmful misconceptions about stress. Chronic stress often causes hypertension, which can lead to other serious health issues, such as heart attack or stroke. Stress Awareness Month reminds us that whether you choose to…

STI / STD Awareness Month

STI / STD Awareness Month is observed in April. Diseases that are spread through sexual contact are usually referred to as sexually transmitted diseases or STDs for short. In recent years, however, many experts in this area of public health have suggested replacing STD with a new term, sexually transmitted infection, or STI. STI / STD…

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month is recognized in April by both civilian and military communities and sponsored by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). In addition to the civilian population, the Department of Defense focuses on creating a culture that eliminates sexual assault. Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month is observed by the Department…

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral Cancer Awareness Month, observed in April, focuses on a national screening campaign to end oral cancer. Oral Cancer Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that awareness of oral cancer in the American public is low. While smoking and tobacco use are still major risk factors, the fastest growing segment of oral cancer patients is…